A complete version of the Marauder's Map is something the official prop replica doesn't offer. This is exactly why I decided to create one myself.
Explore the Dark Forest, search for the Giant Squid in the Black Lake, spy on Dumbledore or simply wander the Hogwarts castle and grounds. All of this is now possible thanks to the Marauder's Map Ultimate Edition!
Unlike the original prop replica, the unofficial Marauder's Map Ultimate Edition includes 30 movie sets, never-before-seen locations, and provides a correct and complete version of Hogwarts castle and grounds - Quidditch Pitch included!
How does the map work?
The map works just like the original prop replica. It's a 11x17 inches parchment that folds like an accordion. The Ultimate Edition of the Marauder's Map is made up of 7 layers, each one depicting the world of Harry Potter closer and closer, each layer providing more and more detail. Due to the ridiculous size and thickness of the 7 layers, I decided to split the map into 3 different versions.
Each version is made up of 5 layers. This way, the map stays thin enough to fold, display, and play with, while remaining rich enough in detail and locations.
Hogwarts Floors I-VII (map version 3) 3.10m (10.17ft)

World overview 2.72m (8.92ft)

Entire castle overview 3.10m (10.17ft)
Hogwarts Floors I-VII (map version 1 and 2) 2.90m (9.51ft)
Rooms and hallways (map version 1 and 2) 1.70m (5.57ft)
Rooms and hallways (map version 3) 1.50m (4.92ft)
Hogwarts dungeons 2.90m (9.51ft)
Castle grounds 1.03m (3.37ft)
Secret passageways 1.03m (3.37ft)
Map Layers
* V2, Floors I-VII certain locations not included
** V3, Floors I-VII certain locations not included
*** V3 Rooms and hallways certain sections not included
Please check the full list of locations below in order to see what locations these layers are sharing, and which ones are missing.
Layer not included

Marauder's Map Ultimate Edition
LAYER 1 World Overview
This layer presents an overview of the world. You can see the Hogwarts castle and grounds surrounded by the Forbidden Forest, the Black Lake, and the mountains.
LAYER 2 Entire Castle Overview
As the name suggests, this layer details the entirety of the Hogwarts castle.
LAYER 3 Hogwarts Rooms & Hallways
-Seventh floor corridor (Room of Requirement)
-Poltergeist Passage
-Runic Corridor
-Way to the Grand Staircase
-Way to Slughorn's office
-Hall of Hexes
-Gryffindor Common Room
-Gryffindor Common Room Boys' dormitory
-Gryffindor Common Room Girls' dormitory
-Section of the Quad
-Paved courtyard
-Way to the Clocktower
LAYER 4 Hogwarts Floors I-VII - NOT INCLUDED
LAYER 5 Hogwarts Dungeons – NOT INCLUDED
LAYER 6 Castle Grounds
-The castle, whomping willow, dark forest, black lake and the 6 passageways (minimally stylized)
-Hagrid's Hut
-The Quidditch Pitch
LAYER 7 Secret Passageways
-Monster's passageways
-Detention escape route
-Way to the Forbidden Forest
-Stink bomb store
-Way to courtyards
-Lower chambers corridor West
-Unexplored passage to Hogsmeade
-Detention chamber
-Route to the dungeons
-Secret way to the Kitchens
-Porticus Olidus
-Cauldron cupboard
-Book repair workshop
-Way to potions
-Lower chamber corridor North
-Lower chamber corridor North-East
-Porticus Periculum
-Vestibule of Mischief
-Porticus Circumscriptus
-Snape's Stores
-Prowling passage
- Poltergeist passage
- Undercover route to the courtyard
-Hieroglyphic Hall
-Secret way to the Slytherin Common Room
LAYER 1 World Overview – NOT INCLUDED
LAYER 2 Entire Castle Overview
As the name suggests, this layer details the entirety of the Hogwarts castle.
LAYER 3 Hogwarts Rooms & Hallways
-Seventh floor corridor (Room of Requirement)
-Poltergeist Passage
-Runic Corridor
-Way to the Grand Staircase
-Way to Slughorn's office
-Hall of Hexes
-Gryffindor Common Room
-Gryffindor Common Room Boys' dormitory
-Gryffindor Common Room Girls' dormitory
-Section of the Quad
-Paved courtyard
-Way to the Clocktower
LAYER 4 Hogwarts Floors I-VII
-Entrance Hall – NOT INCLUDED
-Great Hall – NOT INCLUDED
-Grand Staircase tower – NOT INCLUDED
-Grand Staircase tower extra flap – NOT INCLUDED
-Magical Theory classroom – NOT INCLUDED
-Classroom 103 – NOT INCLUDED
-Runes studies – NOT INCLUDED
-Lost wands – NOT INCLUDED
-Classroom 34 – NOT INCLUDED
-Arithmancy classroom – NOT INCLUDED
-Store room – NOT INCLUDED
-Classroom 107 – NOT INCLUDED
-Staffroom – NOT INCLUDED
-Classroom 72 – NOT INCLUDED
-Trophy Room – NOT INCLUDED
-Room of Runes – NOT INCLUDED
-Ghoul studies – NOT INCLUDED
-Book of Monster's repair workshop – NOT INCLUDED
-Paved courtyard – NOT INCLUDED
-Dumbledore's office
-Dumbeldore's office extra flap including his bedroom – NOT INCLUDED
-Grand staircase section
-Divination classroom
-Double staircase
-Advanced Arithmancy Studies
-Way to the Grand staircase tower
-Defence Agains the Dark Arts classroom
-Defence Agains the Dark Arts professor's office
-The Astronomy Tower
-Classroom 31
-Moaning Myrtle's bathroom
-Boy's lavatory extra flaps
-Bell tower
-Bell tower second floor extra flap – NOT INCLUDED
-Entrance Hall
-Herbology Storage room
-Muggle studies
-History of Magic classroom
-Transfiguration courtyard
-Transfiguration classroom
-McGonagall's office
-Suspension bridge
-Charms classroom
-Flitwick's office
-Classroom 34
-Study Hall
-The Library – NOT INCLUDED
-The Library: Restricted Section – NOT INCLUDED
-Storeroom – NOT INCLUDED
LAYER 5 Hogwarts Dungeons – NOT INCLUDED
LAYER 6 Castle Grounds
-The castle, whomping willow, dark forest, black lake and the 6 passageways (minimally stylized)
-Hagrid's Hut
-The Quidditch Pitch
LAYER 7 Secret Passageways
-Monster's passageways
-Detention escape route
-Way to the Forbidden Forest
-Stink bomb store
-Way to courtyards
-Lower chambers corridor West
-Unexplored passage to Hogsmeade
-Detention chamber
-Route to the dungeons
-Secret way to the Kitchens
-Porticus Olidus
-Cauldron cupboard
-Book repair workshop
-Way to potions
-Lower chamber corridor North
-Lower chamber corridor North-East
-Porticus Periculum
-Vestibule of Mischief
-Porticus Circumscriptus
-Snape's Stores
-Prowling passage
- Poltergeist passage
- Undercover route to the courtyard
-Hieroglyphic Hall
-Secret way to the Slytherin Common Room
The Marauder's Map Ultimate Edition is an unofficial replica of the original Marauder's Map.
LAYER 1 World Overview – NOT INCLUDED
LAYER 2 Entire Castle Overview – NOT INCLUDED
This version of the map opens with Layer 4 first, followed by Layer 3, 5, 6, and 7.
LAYER 4 Hogwarts Floors I-VII
-Entrance Hall
-Great Hall
-Grand Staircase tower
-Grand Staircase tower extra flap
-Magical Theory classroom
-Classroom 103
-Runes studies
-Lost wands
-Classroom 34
-Arithmancy classroom
-Store room
-Classroom 107
-Classroom 72
-Trophy Room
-Room of Runes
-Ghoul studies
-Book of Monster's repair workshop
-The Quad
-Paved courtyard
-Dumbledore's office
-Dumbeldore's office extra flap including his bedroom
-Grand staircase section
-Divination classroom
-Double staircase
-Advanced Arithmancy Studies
-Way to the Grand staircase tower
-Defence Agains the Dark Arts classroom
-Defence Agains the Dark Arts professor's office
-The Astronomy Tower
-Classroom 31
-Moaning Myrtle's bathroom
-Boy's lavatory extra flaps
-Bell tower
-Bell tower second floor extra flap
-Entrance Hall
-Herbology Storage room
-Muggle studies
-History of Magic classroom
-Transfiguration courtyard
-Transfiguration classroom – NOT INCLUDED
-McGonagall's office – NOT INCLUDED
-Suspension bridge
-Charms classroom
-Flitwick's office
-Classroom 34
-Study Hall
-The Library
-The Library: Restricted Section
LAYER 3 Hogwarts Rooms & Hallways
-Seventh floor corridor (Room of Requirement)
-Poltergeist Passage
-Runic Corridor
-Way to the Grand Staircase
-Way to Slughorn's office
-Hall of Hexes
-Gryffindor Common Room
-Gryffindor Common Room Boys' dormitory
-Gryffindor Common Room Girls' dormitory
-Section of the Quad
-Paved courtyard – NOT INCLUDED
-Way to the Clocktower – NOT INCLUDED
LAYER 5 Hogwarts Dungeons
-Grand staircase section
-Route to the Kitchens
-Way to paved courtyard
-Detention chamber
-Detention escape route
-Lower dungeons corridor
-Prowling passage
-The Grindylow Lagoon
-Slytherin Common Room
-Slytherin Common Room Boys' dormitory
-Slytherin Common Room Girls' dormitory
-Vastus vestibule
-Cauldron cupboard
-Potions classroom
-Snape's office
-Lower dungeons corridor North-East
-Flying key room
-Wizard's Chess room
-The conical crypt
-Dungeon 7
-Deathday party hall
-Snape's stores
-Slug pit
-Mirror of Erised room
-Porticus periculum
-Way to Transfiguration courtyard
-Lower chambers corridor East-West
-Room of doom
-Lower chambers Portrait corridor
LAYER 6 Castle Grounds
-The castle, whomping willow, dark forest, black lake and the 6 passageways (minimally stylized)
-Hagrid's Hut
-The Quidditch Pitch
LAYER 7 Secret Passageways
-Monster's passageways
-Detention escape route
-Way to the Forbidden Forest
-Stink bomb store
-Way to courtyards
-Lower chambers corridor West
-Unexplored passage to Hogsmeade
-Detention chamber
-Route to the dungeons
-Secret way to the Kitchens
-Porticus Olidus
-Cauldron cupboard
-Book repair workshop
-Way to potions
-Lower chamber corridor North
-Lower chamber corridor North-East
-Porticus Periculum
-Vestibule of Mischief
-Porticus Circumscriptus
-Snape's Stores
-Prowling passage
- Poltergeist passage
- Undercover route to the courtyard
-Hieroglyphic Hall
-Secret way to the Slytherin Common Room